
You May Say I’m A Dreamer

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Now I know what you are thinking. This is long overdue. Tomorrow night at Portman Road, the Blues have another chance of redeeming themselves, and I firmly believe they will do it. Luke Thomas will be in the side from the start, and there are a lot of Town players – including club captain Luke Chambers, who is determined to prove a point.

In fact, nothing less than three points will suffice, if we are not going to find ourselves nearer mid-table than promotion candidates. If we win, it will get the monkey off our back in the process. Our failure to beat any of the top six sides has been a thorn in our side for some time. The whole squad has something to prove – not just to the manager, but to the fans, and that is why I believe they will rise to the occasion, on what is expected to be a cold night in East Anglia.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I am not the only one. (sorry John Lennon.) Sadly, the way things are going these days, I am not even sure that statement is entirely accurate! I am the eternal optimist but supporting Town as long as I have, means it is par for the course. There have been many more rainy days than sunny ones over the last 50 plus years, but when the clouds open and the bright light appears, you need a good pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes!

Our manager Paul Lambert is struggling at the moment we know. The local press and the vociferous fake blues depreciation society are after his head and impatience is mounting. Thankfully, Marcus Evans is holding firm in his belief that there are mitigating circumstances for our fall from grace. I am inclined to agree with him, and I have detailed them here many times.

Will a win tomorrow night make things right? Never in a month of Sunday’s. What Lambert needs most of all is the feel-good factor to return, and this will only happen with a string of good results. And yet, tomorrow night could be the catalyst for change. Sometimes from small beginnings, big things happen, and what we would all do for a victory on our home turf!

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A true blue through and through


  • Ray Whitehand says:

    Frank, once again, thanks for your optimistic approach. it is so refreshing to read something positive, when those negative pundits, hovering like predatory vultures ready to interpret every stat as a negative.

    As an Ipswich supporter since 1963 i can claim some degree of knowledge of the ups and downs of that game which is football.

    its at time like this when some positive writing for these youngsters which Paul is developing into a team for the future.

    when the fans are missing form the grounds, Reading articles like yours when the chips are down can give a youngster an enormous lift.

    • Jake Thomas says:

      You’re the worst owner of are club and lambert as well you have ruined Ipswich town we are a laughing stock

    • Frank Weston says:

      Thanks for your comments, Ray. It is nice to know that I am not alone, and you have been supporting the Blues even longer than I have! I do not follow the flock when there is a lynching party in our midst. I will not join the hungry pack, because principles in life can be expensive but without them, life is very cheap.

      Manager Paul Lambert is getting a bad rap but a lot of it is totally unjustified. You know this. I know this. But sadly, reasoned arguments are being clouded by the ensuing noise of discontentment. Sadly, whatever happens, tomorrow, that noise won’t quickly subside. The fickle football fan is here to stay.

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